19 et 20 octobre: Journées scientifiques.

19 et 20 octobre: Journées scientifiques.
Program of the IPPG 2022 Scientific Days

19th October Scientific Presentations
20th October team bulding “Fresque des plastiques”

19th October IPGG ( in person, no videoconference planned)
registrations (free but mandatory) https://evento.renater.fr/survey/journees-ipgg-9fojwy39

9H15: Annie Colin/Stéphanie Descroix: Labex news, developments

9h30: Valerie Pichon ESPCI Paris PSL « Selective and miniaturized tools for trace analysis in complex samples »

10h00:-10h20 Emmanuelle Marie ENS Paris PSL « Photoactive biointerfaces and microfluidics for the
controlled actuation of cells »

10h20-10h40: Ayako Yamada, Nathalie Delgehyr, Julie Plastino ENS Paris PSL « Single nuclei on chip – morphological and genetic responses to actin-based deformations »

10h40-11h10: Coffee Break

11h10-11h40: Projects funded in 2022::
-Rachid Thiam ENS Paris PSL « Novel tools to sequester lipid droplets in cells and control their metabolism »
Jacques Fattaccioli-Nicolas Lequeux « COC to glass Microchips »
Laurent Thouin Catherine Sella et Sophie GriveauFethi Bedioui « Microfluidic system for sweat analysis»

11h40:12h10: Bertrand Cinquin: News from the platform: new aligner, transfer engineer, BPI project.

12h30-14h00: Lunch on the terrace

14h00-14h30: Marine Aulnette, Noa Burshtein, Anke Lindner ESPCI Paris PSL
« Microparticle distribution in vortex flows ».

14h30-14h50: Soufiane Abdelghani Idrissi ENS Paris PSL « Efficient water purification based on electrical driven reverse osmosis porous membranes ».

14h50-15H10 Nan Wu, Youcef Brahmi, Annie Colin ESPCI Paris PSL « Novel Concept for blue Energy ».

15h10-15h40: Coffee Break

15h40 -16h00: Jean Baudry ESPCI Paris PSL « Microbiotes des sols agricoles »

16h00-16h20: Tahani Bayrakdar ChimieParistech PSL « Microfluidics for the selective functionalization of C-H bonds »

16h20 -16h40 : Charles Cavaniol Curie « Tumor on chip model to decipher the influence of nanoparticle-mediated photothermia on pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma »

17h00: 17h30: Claire Wihlem Curie Wihelm« Instructive and therapeutic magnetic tools in cancer and regenerative

17h30 Aperitif