Laboratoire Complex Suspensions

UMR 7636
The complex suspensions group studies the flow of complex fluids, suspensions, and active matter. Our specific interest lies in linking the microscopic properties of complex suspended micro-particles, polymers or micro-organisms to the macroscopic properties of their suspensions and solutions.

To this aim, we combine optimized flow geometries with novel particle fabrication techniques like 3D printing or in-situ polymerization. We investigate the fluid structure interactions of various types of micro- and bioparticles (microhelices, hydrogel fibers, actin filaments or E-coli bacteria) following the individual particle dynamics using 2D and 3D tracking techniques. Macroscopic flow properties are investigated using original microfluidic rheometers with very high sensitivity. A combination between inertial and viscoelastic effects is used to trigger or control flow instabilities as a function of flow geometries or boundary conditions.

Using similar techniques, the group is also interested in the dynamics and the rheology of cytoskeleton sub-cellular structures and how they participate in diverse cellular processes like migration, endocytosis or shape changes.

Applications range from the design of novel microrheometers or microfluidic sensors, to the understanding of biofluid flow or contamination problems, to biomedical applications as separation devices.
Institution affiliée : ESPCI Paris-PSL
Responsable : Anke Lindner

PMMH-ESPCI Sorbonne Université
7, quai St Bernard - Barre Cassan A, 1er étage, case 18 - 75005 Paris

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